Monday, June 30, 2008

Radio UTD Profile...speaking of XMU

University of Texas-Dallas's Internet-only radio station Radio UTD, was profiled last week in their student newspaper. The piece specifically covers their appearances on satellite radio station XMU's "Student Exchange Show" and gives a bit of insight about the process. According to the article:

"Station manager Natalia Zuniga, an arts and technology senior, and summer music director Chris Ostlund, a molecular biology senior, have already produced three shows for the indie-oriented XMU station (Channel 43), which aired March 2, May 25 and June 15.

To create a show, Zuniga and Ostlund select tracks for a playlist, then record multiple takes of the introduction, song identifications and conversation in the radio station, located in the Student Union. Luke McKenzie, Radio UTD systems administrator, then assembles the pieces into a show.

They work without a script; some takes come out smoothly, while a few end in flubs and fits of laughter. Zuniga and Ostlund keep recording until they're confident they have a polished product."

It's interesting to note that Radio UTD is actually off the air over the summer, so their XMU gigs are the only chance to hear "the station" until the fall. The next Radio UTD appearance on XMU will be on Sunday, July 20th.

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