Tuesday, September 9, 2008

KSPC Profiled in CMJ

I just realized that CMJ did an interview with the MD of fabulous Pomona College radio station KSPC-FM last month. I DJ'd at KSPC for a brief stint in the 1990s and it was a really amazing place.

In the CMJ interview, Summer Music Director Rachel Smith talks about the programming philosophy of KSPC (which has been on FM since 1956), some of the specialty shows that they air, and their connections with the local music scene (including Shrimper records and the LA "Smell" scene). According to the interview:

"...We also have a variety of specialty shows, for which DJs can be pre-approved to play music from their own collections. These include reggae, polka, metal, prog rock, old-time radio theater, and (a big fan-favorite) the Retro Videogame Music Show, which consists entirely of 8- and 16-bit videogame soundtracks. We’re open to music of all genres and eras, as long as we believe it upholds our mission of supporting new and independent artists and providing a home for music not commonly heard on the L.A. airwaves."

Rachel talks about the indie-orientation of the station, stating:

"...our rock, hip-hop and electronic programming does skew overwhelmingly towards indie artists and labels. Our choices are sometimes criticized as too obscure or inaccessible, but I think there’s something to be said for niche appeal, and I think our listeners would agree."

She also mentions that Frank Zappa DJ'd at the station in the 1970s. I'm not sure I ever knew that tidbit...

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