Monday, July 20, 2009

Tip of the Hat to Former College Radio DJ Guys

KZSU's Samuel Franco
(who isn't on Schmitten Kitten's radar yet)

Schmitten Kitten, a blog that talks about "dudes and dating in Philadelphia," has posted a series of "tip of the hats" to various types of guys, from those who wore heavy metal jean jackets in middle school to those who wear suspenders. Some of their most recent posts are quite college-radio centric, including a nod to some guy Phil's nearly perfect profile picture in which he looks to be working at a radio station. But, best of all, the blog gives a tip of the hat to guys who used to be college radio DJs, saying:

"...guys who had radio shows in college are just plain awesome. It's cute to think about them on the air, carefully curating the songs that they play, excited to premiere a new ditty to their dozens of listeners... They've been to CMJ, they know what a PSA is, and they love to nerd out about b-sides and rare singles. That's pretty awesome. So, guys who had radio shows in college, we tip our hat to you. When you tell us about how you used to play Superchunk, Pavement, and Rocket From the Crypt, we get all fuzzy inside."

I have to admit that one of the many things that got me crushing on my now-husband was learning on the day we met that he had been a DJ in college and still played vinyl records. In our early weeks of dating he even let me borrow a cassette tape of one of his old radio shows (a team show at WVFI). Since I was still a college radio DJ I returned the favor by crafting some radio shows for him that were like love-letter mix tapes. Oh, the geekiness of college radio DJ mating rituals still brings a smile to my face. Thanks to Schmitten Kitten for bringing back some of these memories.

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