Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CBI is Seeking College Radio Entries for Student Media Awards

I'm not sure how fixated your station is on radio competitions, but here's one whose deadline is rapidly approaching on May 21st. College Broadcasters Inc. (CBI) is seeking entrants for its annual National Student Production Awards. Student-produced worked for a campus media outlet is eligible to win in categories including:

Best DJ
Best Station Promo
Best PSA
Best Newscast
Best News Reporting
Best Feature Show or Broadcast
Best Documentary
Best Technical Production
Best Sports Reporting
Best Sports Play-by-Play
Best Entertainment Program (for example, a weekly serial)
Best Station Promotion (including off-air events)
Best Website

You can submit your entries online in MP3 format and there's a $50 entry fee if your station is not a member of CBI (many college radio stations are members, so be sure to double check with your station).


  1. way to schedule a college radio competition during/after exams

  2. Yep, that's a problem. Which reminds me that I need to pay attention to the MTV College Radio Woodies call for nominations. That one usually happens during summer break!
