Thursday, June 19, 2008

Multi-Media Radio Coming to University of Wisconsin-Stout

Because of changing technology, there are some very interesting opportunities for college radio stations that embrace the many possibilities of the Internet, audio, video, and social networking.

University of Wisconsin-Stout has a new radio venture premiering September 3rd. According to an article in the Dunn County News:

"Student president of the new organization, Ian Itow, explained that the effort is 'more like podcast, or a Stout-cast: the ability to cast multimedia out to the Internet. It will have the ability to not just do radio, but video and any other multimedia tool that comes in the future going out to the Internet.'

In recent history, a campus radio signal was made available with audio-only programming generated from the CKTO dorm facility. The signal is modulated and routed around campus via the cable TV feed as Channel 20. It primarily features music and is fairly limited compared to the new radio/media vision."

Some of the dreams of the organizers include having an expanded presence on Facebook, MySpace, and Second Life. According to the article:

"[UW-Stout's Radio Vice President, Matt] Kaskavitch added, 'If we can gather a couple thousand people on Facebook, that information gets disseminated so fast it is incredible. Everyone on campus — and this is a given — spends hours and hours on Facebook. We are also experimenting with blogging and podcasts, and when these are combined with Facebook, you have just communicated with 2,000 people instantly.'"

Does your college radio station augment its broadcast with other offerings, like blogs, video and podcasts? Do you communicate with listeners using Facebook and MySpace? Is your station on Second Life?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including our news story in your blog, it truly is an exciting venture. One that could shape other colleges of our size in regards to their media on campus!

    Thanks again!

    Matt Kasakvitch
    Stout Media - Vice President
    stoutmedia at uwstout dot edu
