Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Early History of College Radio Revealed

I'm pretty fascinated with the secret, early history of college radio; especially since my own college had a pioneering student radio station back in the 1920s. So, when Hugh Richard Slotten released his book Radio's Hidden Voice: The Origins of Public Broadcasting in the United States last year, I was thrilled to finally have a resource to turn to in order to get a better idea of how college radio really began.

According to Radio's Hidden Voice:

"Radio stations at universities were particularly important because they pioneered some of the earliest experiments with radio in the United States and they played a key role in the establishment of an alternative, noncommercial, public service model for broadcasting."

Thanks so much to Hugh for taking the time to talk to me about his research into the early years of student and educational radio. You can find my book review and interview with him over on Radio Survivor.

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